Vihara Management

Shanthi Vihara & Meditation Centre runs entirely on donations. When the Vihara was established in 2013, the current property was rented for a monthly fee of around £450. In 2016, we were able to purchase the property on a mortgage which helped us to reduce our liabilities. It would not have been possible if it was not for such generous donations from our devoted and dedicated supporters who raised a significant amount of funds to purchase the Vihara premises.

Currently, the Vihara is funded by a number of devotees who have been contributing by setting up standing orders. Standing order is a way of transferring funds to the Vihara Bank account by allowing a small amount of your hard-earned money to be donated on a monthly basis. This has been helping our Vihara to cover the mortgage fee and other expenses such as electric bills, water bills, etc.

Who are supporting us?
